Wednesday, December 7, 2011

I really need to start trying to blog more. Blaaaaah for procrastination!

Christmas is fast approaching and my head is spinning from numerous things already. I'll do my best to recall the events that have been going on. To start off, I went to the doctor on monday. I've been diagnosed with prehypertension (on the cusp of having high blood pressure) and so I was referred to this doctor. Anyhoo, it was a bit hard to find the doctor's office and by the time I finally did, my blood pressure was through the roof, haha. Well after some questioning and everything, the doctor tells me that he has some suspicions that I have a thyroid issue and he ordered some blood work to be done. I got it done yesterday around 10:30. I have a feeling that everything is going to be a mess. My mother has high bp, high cholesterol, and thyroid issues. I am expecting to hear close to the same as well. Of course I'm worried, who doesn't feel fear when they are faced with the possibility of having an inherited problem? It'll be okay though...I just hate having to wait. 

I'm still pretty SOL in the job aspect of my life. I feel bad about it and I'm trying to find one. All of this anxiety plus the anxiety from my crappy family situation has caused me to start having panic attacks. This started last saturday when I woke up and I've been dealing with it since. I've grown slightly used to the stabbing chest pain but the shortness of breath still messes with me. My sister has experienced the same thing and said that it'll stop when I get a job and eventually get back into school, which I am going to do. Unfortunately it has put some more pressure on me to do more when I am already trying my best, therefore making the anxiety worse. 

Ugh, I think I also have a short attention span because I just lost motivation to write some more. I'll probably come back and add more to this post, or just make a new post in general. Sorry guys. D:


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